
Charge ERP and carpark payments directly to your Citi Credit Card with EZ-Link Motoring Service.

Register for EZ-Link Motoring Service via SimplyGo app with your Citi Credit Card today to breeze through ERP and carpark gantries*!

EZ-Link Motoring Service expands into car parks!

*Click here for the list of carparks currently accepting EZ Link Motoring services.


  • STEP 1

    You need a Citi Credit Card. Don't have one?

    Step1 : Apply for Citi Credit Card
  • STEP 2
    REGISTER FOR EZ-Link Motoring Service

    Download the SimplyGo app, go to ‘Services’ icon, 'EZ-Link' tab, tap on ‘EZ-Link Motoring’ and register.


    Step2 : Register for EZ-Link Motoring Service

Important Information

  • To use EZ-Link Motoring Service, you must be the owner of a privately-owned Singapore registered vehicle. This vehicle is the one which you will register for EZ-Link Motoring Service.
  • You must have a Mastercard® or Visa credit card issued by Citibank Singapore Limited ("Citi Credit Card"), to be used as the credit card for payments incurred in respect of the EZ-Link Motoring Service to be charged to.
  • You can register up to three vehicles for one Citi Credit Card in order to obtain an EZ-Link Motoring Service account.
  • Upon registration of EZ-Link Motoring Service, SimplyGo Pte. Ltd. will initiate a S$0.50 pre-authorization charge on your Citi Credit Card, to ensure the card is valid. The charge will be released after 7 days. Pre-authorization only sets aside part of your card’s credit limit for charges via EZ-Link Motoring Service. It does not reflect an actual charge that has been made to your credit card. This earmarking allows your EZ-Link Motoring Service charges to be processed when they are incurred. The actual charge will only be made when there are ERP and/or carpark transactions incurred by your registered vehicle.
  • EZ-Link Motoring Service is a service offered by SimplyGo Pte. Ltd. The information provided above must be read with, and is subject to, SimplyGo’s terms of use. For the EZ-Link Motoring Service terms of use, please visit SimplyGo website
  • For EZ-Link Motoring Service FAQs, please refer to SimplyGo website