Protect your funds with Citibank's Money Lock to Safeguard your funds by preventing unauthorised transfer of funds, that you may not require daily access to, while still enjoying account benefits (i.e. earning of interest).
Protect your funds with Citibank's Money Lock to Safeguard your funds by preventing unauthorised transfer of funds, that you may not require daily access to, while still enjoying account benefits (i.e. earning of interest).
Utilise Money Lock with Citi Mobile® App
Utilise Money Lock with Citibank Online
*Locked funds cannot be used for any new or existing payment arrangements. Examples include but are not limited to payment & transfer, standing instructions, future dated transfers, loan or mortgage repayments, investment placements, recurring credit card payments, fees, etc. Hence, please ensure that sufficient available balance is maintained in your account of choice for existing payment arrangements before locking your funds.
Upon successful verification, your request will be submitted for further review, and you will be contacted within 2 days.
Upon successful in-person verification, funds locked will be released.
†Available only for Singapore Citigold and Citigold Private Client customers
^Available only for International Personal Bank customers
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