Your use of the Citibank Debit Mastercard is governed by the Citibank Debit Mastercard Terms and Conditions as set out in the Citibank Singapore Global Consumer Banking Terms and Conditions. For Citibank Debit Mastercard Terms and Conditions, please visit
Your Citibank Debit Card comes with a daily point of sales limit that is set at S$2,000. This limit is shared between signature-based, contactless payments (e.g. Mastercard Contactless and payments made using digital wallets) and card not present transactions (including mail and phone orders). You may choose to increase/decrease this limit upon activation of your Citibank Debit Card. Notwithstanding the limit that you set, the limit on your Citibank Debit Card will remain subject to your available bank balance.
Where we allow your Citibank Debit Card to be tagged to any Foreign Currency Accounts and used for any and/or all foreign currency funds in the Foreign Currency Accounts, all foreign currency transactions and Cash Withdrawals will be directly authorized from the respective Foreign Currency Account in the foreign currency directly provided that there are sufficient funds in the relevant foreign currency. In the event that you have performed a Cash Withdrawal and/or Card Transaction in a different currency from the Foreign Currency Account tagged to your Citibank Debit Mastercard or have insufficient funds in your Foreign Currency Account, the transaction will be subject to an administrative fee of up to 2.5% on the converted amount, or such other rate as determined and notified to you.
Only customers holding an Individual Account or a Joint Account operated with a single signing authority are eligible to open additional accounts online. Customers holding Joint Accounts with single signing authority but in the name of three or more persons, or Joint Accounts with joint signing authority cannot open additional accounts online. Please visit the branch for assistance with account opening.
Where your Citibank Debit Card has Mastercard Card Transaction functionality enabled, you acknowledge and accept that the Citibank Debit Card carries risk of unauthorized signature-based, contactless payments (e.g. Mastercard Contactless and other payments made using digital wallets) or card not present transactions.
If you choose to make a Card Transaction payment via the Mastercard Network, you will be bound by the relevant rules governing such transactions including but not limited to rules governing chargeback and dispute resolution.
With effect from 15 November 2014, the EPINS direct debit payment service will be discontinued and you will no longer be able to make EPINS point-of-sale debit payment transactions on your Citibank Debit Card. Please note that the EPINS service is offered by Card Alliance Pte Ltd.
Please note that your privileges, rewards and/or services will differ depending on your choice of debit network.
Double Swiping is a term used to describe the act of a second swipe of a payment card at a Point-of-Sale terminal after the first swipe to obtain initial authorization from the bank. The second swipe effectively exposes your Citibank Debit Card's magnetic stripe full track data to compromise. You acknowledge and accept that double swiping the magnetic stripe of your Citibank Debit Card on Point-of-Sale readers or Electronic Cash Registers increases the risk of skimming and/or cloning and hence the theft of your sensitive payment card data.
EZ-Pay is a service offered by EZ-Link Pte Ltd (Reg no. 200200086M) ("EZ-Link"). The information provided above must be read with, and is subject to, EZ-Link's terms of use. For the EZ-Pay terms of use, please visit
Any customers using Citibank eFX acknowledge and accept that all transactions they make are made solely upon their judgment and at their discretion and own risk. Nothing in Citibank's brochures, investment reports and/or any of Citibank's material supplied to the customer, nor any customer investment profiling conducted for the customer, shall be construed as Citibank's investment advice as regards the relative attractiveness of one investment option over another. Investors investing in investment and/or treasury products denominated in non-local currency should be aware of the risks of exchange rate fluctuations that may cause a loss of principal when foreign currency is converted back to the investors' home currency. Foreign currency trading is subject to rate fluctuations, which may provide both opportunities and risks. Customers who have any questions about their legal or tax positions as a result of opening an account with Citibank or effecting any transaction on an account with Citibank should engage an independent legal or tax adviser as they consider appropriate.
Exchange controls may apply from time to time to certain foreign currencies. Our Treasury Services Managers and Relationship Managers may assist customers with information on any exchange controls that are relevant to the currencies in which they invest. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop loss" or "stop limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders.
The promotions, products and services mentioned in the referenced document are not offered to individuals resident in the European Union, European Economic Area, Switzerland, Guernsey and Jersey, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican, The Isle of Man, the UK, Brazil, New Zealand, Jamaica, Ecuador or Sri Lanka. The referenced document is not, and should not be construed as, an offer, invitation or solicitation to buy or sell any of the promotions, products and services mentioned therein to such individuals.
Citibank's full disclaimers, terms and conditions apply to individual products and banking services. This communication does not constitute the distribution of any information or the making of any offer of solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction in which such distribution or offer is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to distribute such document or to make any offer or solicitation.
Deposit Insurance Scheme
Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured. For more information, please visit